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Bong Joon Ho
genres=Comedy, Drama
User ratings=8,7 of 10
rating=385739 vote
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Is this a slasher movie? Murder? Crime.
Well done! Koreans feel proud of u, director Bong. We are honored to have u who is such a brilliant person to integrate the typical Korean humor or societal phenomena into global art. Almost a torture for me to wait for watching it.
I will admit that Hung is a master cinematographer, and can tell a good story for the most part, but like the movie Mother, which I believe came out in 2012, that he also wrote and directed, it just Falls flat at the end and doesn't really end, but more or less just stops mid sentence.
For the most part, this movie had me on the edge of my seat, and the middle of the film had me biting my freaking Nails because it was so exciting and embarrassing to watch. Parasite really delivers and is a very intriguing film that is beautiful shot and really is one heck of a ride, but that ride comes to a sudden stop at the end, which is both jarring and jaw gaping considering that this movie was such a thrill, only to become a shoe being thrown at your head.
I wish that the ending was better, but I will take it oh, because I don't think that every single story needs to end on a high note, but I do believe that the story at least needs to have resolution in order for it to be a success.
Through the rollercoaster of emotions this movie puts us through, theres only one feeling left by the time the movie is over, Sadness. I recommend this movie to everyone/anyone. Truly amazing in every way. the messages throughout the film really hit home. 10/10. So many, this is now my favorite movie moments, I lost count. Gisaengchung (2019) watch hd full movie online for free streaming bollywood. Gisaengchung (2019) watch hd full movie online for free streaming media player. Gisaengchung (2019) watch hd full movie online for free streaming hd. Gisaengchung (2019) watch hd full movie online for free streaming vostfr.
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When I watch the movie I promise Ill come back and ACTUALLY tell you what its about 💀 Edit: Ok so I finally watched it and the Plot seems like one thing and then turns into another. But basically this really poor family of four people have a son that gets the job of working for a rich family that pays well. While there his family finds a way to con the rich family into getting all four of the poor family into working for them. There, they feed off of their wealth like a parasite. Then a very scary scene happens that is so confusing at first 💀 The whole movie is representing social classes (which Im sure you have seen from other comments) and yah thats pretty much it without spoiling it. But remember, the poor family (the protagonists) are the parasites to the rich family and just think about what a parasite does. (Also I guess you can say practically every character/family in this film is a parasite.
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Bong Joon-ho strikes again with this modern art masterpiece, this movie literally blew my mind with its great combination of comedy and tragedy.
One of the finest, perfect, enjoyable movies of this decade, Thanks to Bong Joon-ho and thanks to the seventh art who allows us to witness such beauty like this.
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Im sooo happy. 3.
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Really appreciate this movie, Thailand.
Seems like poor people are the parasite from the clip. God I want to watch the movie again. Gisaengchung (2019) watch hd full movie online for free streaming movie sites. Wth. It's absolutely bad, the movie is boring, pure fantasy, like science fiction movie, I think it's like a someone smoke a big one and make and boring, fanciful and idealistic movie...
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Gisaengchung (2019) watch hd full movie online for free streaming online. When flood comes and their toilet overflow🤦🏻♀️Im done😂 What a good movie. This looks like a movie they want you to believe is good but just isn't lol, like lost in translation or birdman.
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