hotstar Free Fast Times at Ridgemont High 1982 Movie Download In HD Quality
genre: Drama;
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A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll;
8,1 of 10
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They look super old 😭 why does time goes so quick 😭. I wish they would get back together. Come on they smashed before. Aniston looks like a horse now😖😖. I love get soundtrack if have on cd or tapes great music love movie two thumbs up.100% video get clips.
That is the guy who helped catch El Chapo.
And people say Sammy can't rock? Up Yours.
I like how everyone had smile on their face when brad and jenn was talking to each other lol.
Fast Times At Ridgemont High has dated pretty badly, but it still has it great moments. Sean Penn stole the show without question, and it is a shame that he did not have a larger part than he did. However, I think that this was intentional, because Amy Heckerling seems to make a conscious effort to ensure that no clearly identifiable star emerges from the film. Her main goal was to present a film that detailed high school life in the eighties as accurately as possible, without distracting the audience from that with a Hollywood star or a detailed plot.
Nevertheless, it is clearly Sean Penn who is the most remembered from this film, and not just because he later enjoyed the most successful career out of all of the other actors in the film. I think that Penn's notability in Fast Times At Ridgemont High stems simply from the fact that he was by far the funniest character in the movie. He delivers a nearly flawless portrayal of the stereotypical surfer guy, with the Hawaiian t-shirt, the hot-boxed Volkswagen bus, the long hair, and the dumbed down manner of speech.
Despite all of the hilarious elements of this movie, I think that it was almost too emotional at times for the type of film that it is. We're seeing guys get fired from their jobs, girls getting their hearts broken by idiot guys, and geeks who chicken out just before they are about to get together with beautiful women (again, breaking our hearts. On the other hand, this is what life is like, and that's one thing that I really liked about this movie it didn't sugar coat the material, but instead presented it in a more realistic way. However, I still think that there should have been more stuff with Sean Penn, and just more comedy overall. I wish most of if not all of the film had been more like the scene in the beginning where Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) and a couple of his buddies walked into the diner and took their shirts off, THAT was funny.
Julia Roberts and Jennifer Anniston we're at Spicolli's spot an hour later. Great movie. Looks lika Shia is in a Ford SVT Lightning. That's a really cool truck. Just couldn't make it on time.
Shia making everyone eles realize theyre were under prepared. So Desmond told Jeff, Hey, there's a birthday party in Mr. Hand's class for you. Ray Liotta looks genuinely pissed about Shia and the whole thing. There's some people in the comments gonna be like: ThIs IsNt NEwS.
Ohhh the 80's where are you when we need you. Classic movie.
Reminds me of jason segel.
I just saw this movie over the weekend on VH1, I saw it a long time ago first on TV, when I was in 7th grade; and then I rented it when I was a Freashman in High School. I loved this movie a true classic comedy, even though some of the actor's in the movie are miscast. This movie is a typical coming of age movie, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I thought the era of the film was more 1970 decade than 1980's. The reason why; first all the promiscuity, music,and drug use; i.e. marijuana. I went to high school in the late 1980's and graduated in 1990. It seems like my generation, wasn't that promiscuous, drugs were out, and dating older guys were a WTF are you doing. Yes there were a couple of girls who did get in trouble like in the movie; but it was a family matter. The part they had to a T was THE MALL. If you were of high school age you went to The Mall or to the skating rink on the weekends.
The reason why I liked this movie is because it had and covered everything teenagers experience, the good, the bad, and the consequences of such actions. I thought Spacolli, Sean Penn's character was classic. He and Mr. Hand reminded me of some of the bone headed class-mates I came in contact with and Mr. Hand well I had a few of those teachers in school, LOL.
When I watched this movie just this past Saturday, I could have sworn more of it seemed cut this time on TV. I just know when I saw in back in the 80's, more of the iffy scenes were shown back then. I am so against censorship, it's like everything is TABOO to talk about. If we don't talk about these topics we become a Nation of ignorance. Kris L. Cockayne.