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The Analysis Framework NOT the average of worst and best case Determine worst, average, and best cases for input of size. Worst-case analysis gives a safe analysis (the worst case is never underestimated), but one which can be overly pessimistic, since there may be no (realistic) Analysis. • what is the “best case”? • what is the “worst case”? J. Kretinsky: Fundamental Algorithms. Chapter 2: Sorting, Winter 2017/18.Best case runtime means that you are feeding the best possible input into your algorithm. For an input of size n, perhaps the worst case runtime is T(n)=2n2 + 5 Best-Case, Average-Case, Worst-Case. • For some algorithms efficiency depends on form of input: – Worst case: Cworst(n) – maximum over inputs of. PDF | Sorting is one of the fundamental issues in computer science. Comparative Analysis of five Sorting Algorithms on the basis of Best Case, (This happens if the first element of the array has the largest value.) So the worst-case number of comparisons is 2( ? 1). In the best-case, every iteration
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