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Olympus - CV-160Video Endoscopy Processor, The Olympus CV-160 is a video processor designed to maximize the capabilities of the Evis Exera 160 scopes with USA: CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. INSTRUCTIONS. EVIS EXERA II VIDEO SYSTEM CENTER. OLYMPUS CV-180 Olympus EXERA CV Video Processor. Certified pre-owned with an 18 month warranty. Compatible with the full range of endoscopes from EVIS , , and series OLYMPUS ENDOSCOPY CV-190 Video Processor Instruction Manual w/ Foot Holders - $10.95. FOR SALE! For sale is an Olympus CV-190 instruction manual from NHS.Olympus oep-4 Manual Online: Connection Of The Evis Exera Video System Center (Cv-160). Attach the two black screws, provided with the remote cable (MH-995) Connection of the EVIS EXERA video system center or EVIS video Olympus. ? Rear side. Serial number plate. Refer to instructions. CV-160. People who viewed this item also viewed · Olympus EVIS Exera II TJF Type Q180V Operation & Reprocessing Manuals · Olympus GIF-180, CF-180, PCF-180 Video Endoscope The endoscope contains a memory chip that stores information about the endoscope and communicates this information to the video system center CV-160. OLYMPUSEVIS EXERA GIF/CF/PCF TYPE 160 Series OPERATION MANUAL These instruments have been designed to be used with an Olympus video.
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