Lotusscript tutorial
Работа по теме: Учебное пособие по курсу ИС_итог 04.12. Глава: 5.3. LotusScript. Классы lotus.. ВУЗ: НТГСПИ. Few days ago I was assigned to write a LotusScript agent for generating excel files, during the project process I found that I need to ZIP some files and this action should be processed in the background. LotusScript CodingBest PracticesBill BuchanHADSL © 2006 Wellesley Information Services. Download Now Download. Download to read offline. The View - Lotusscript coding best practices. LotusScript is an object oriented programming language used by Lotus Notes (since version 4.0) and other IBM Lotus Software products. LotusScript is similar to Visual Basic. Developers familiar with one can easily understand the syntax and structure of code in the other. This blog lists some useful LotusScript functions. There is no Exit While statement in LotusScript. The solution is simple. Use the Do While Hopefully this gives you an idea of what you can do with classes. You can also take a look at the following two blog entries about the basics of object oriented Lotusscript
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