Tc flashback mini manual
Flashback Mini Delay - Manual (2014-08-13) 9 Thank you for spending your hard-earned mon-ey on this TC Electronic product! We have done our best to ensure that it will serve you for many years to come, and we hope that you will enjoy using it. Flashback Mini Delay is TonePrint enabled. This means you get the revered TC sound multiplied to infinity with rockstar customized versions of the best delays TC has to offer - free of charge! Download the free TonePrint app for Android and iPhone, choose the TonePrint you want to hear and beam it Im looking into grabbing my first delay pedal, and after some research, ive settled on a TC Flashback. Im on a slight budget, so i was wondering whether the I've already got a loop pedal, so i'm not worried about the mini not having that. Id most like to emulate David Gilmour (as much as possible that is) if
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