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Zwo guide camera

2021.10.12 20:39














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Famous low noise cooled ZWO ASI cameras. Color or Mono CMOS sensors to be cooled to 35C to 40C degrees below ambient! more When considering a ZWO astronomy camera, it is important to match the size of the diagonal and the focal length of your telescope to the size of the type of ZWO Mini Guider Scope. This guide scope is compatible with all ASI cameras. mini guide scope 1. Parameters: Lens Diameter: 30 mm. Focal Length The ASI290Mini camera offers you very good performance for planetary imaging and guiding. Low read noise, high dynamic range, QE peak >80%, AR protectiveThe ASI120MM Mini camera offers very good performance for planetary imaging and guiding. Low read noise, high dynamic range, AR protective window and much ZWO ASI290MM Mini Guide Camera The ZWO ASI290MM Mini (Mono) is a CMOS astronomy camera for autoguiding and planetary astrophotography. It houses a high-

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