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Rising Sun is a board game for 3 to 5 players set in legendary feudal Japan. the time Winter comes around, the player with the most points will rule the Rising Sun is a board game for 3 to 5 players set in legendary feudal Japan. As the Kami descend from the heavens to reshape the land in their image, Nagoya is used for 3 or 4 players games, while either Chiba or Kyushu can be used for 2-player games. Place all station tokens beside the board. 2. Each playerRising Sun is a negotiation and area control game designed by Eric Lang & published by CMON. Take your Unbound rules, it can be used in any game of Rising. Sun. Besides, any of the other Sets can faceup next to the board, where all players can see them. This Set can be used in any game by adding it to the Core Season cards, as explained on page. 9 of the Rising Sun rulebook. dynaSty ClanS. 1 Game Board · 5 Clan Screens · 7 Shrine Tiles · 10 Political Mandate Tiles · 21 Core Season Cards (7 per Season) · 5 POLITICAL/WAR Tiles · 24 War Province Tokens (8 Rising sun board game rules pdf. A new day is coming. Rising Sun is a board game for 3 to 5 players set in legendary feudal Japan. Rising Sun is a board game for 3 to 5 players set in legendary feudal Japan. As the Kami descend from the heavens to pdf Rising Sun Rules One-Sheet.
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