Industrial defender dial-up gateway manual
government and private computers via dial-up telephone lines, the so-called Ihese manual proceduresmay involve turning on a modem, physically.Substation Line Sharing Switch An advantage of using the Polling Controller is that the user does not need to generate the pause time (,,,,) in the dial string Available redundancy. • Dial-up or WAN access. Broad device support. Preserves investment in legacy gateway devices and communication infrastructure. The Industrial Defender Dial-Up Gateway is built on the reliability of the Teltone* SLSS (Substation Line Sharing Switch) platform, with added hardware and substation gateways and IEDs, allowing deployment (Industrial Defender, TDi, OSIsoft) WAN or Dial up Connection. Tablet. Smart. Phone. Gateway. Many remote substations are still accessible only through a standard analog telephone connection. For those situations, the Industrial Defender Dial-up Gateway Industrial Defender, Inc. offers products and services that permit this staged approach. Gauntlet Dial-up and IP Gateways meet or exceed standards for
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