Paul cochrane timmy overdrive manual
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PAUL COCHRANE TIMMY Overdrive Guitar Pedal, boxed with manual - ?245.00. FOR SALE! Paul Cochrane Timmy Overdrive Guitar Pedal, boxed with manual.Tim & Timmy Pedal 615-896-8555. Timmy Dip Switch Functions on on on on on on on on. Regular Mode. Compressed Mode. Asymmetrical. Paul Cochrane's Tim overdrive was one of the original boutique overdrive pedals, generating a dedicated following based on its open, un- Up for sale is a barely used Paul Cochrane Timmy Overdrive pedal in excellent condition. This is version 3 with the two way boost switch. Up for sale is a barely used Paul Cochrane Timmy Overdrive pedal in excellent condition. This is version 3 with the two way boost switch. The MXR Timmy Overdrive provides a huge range of gritty, textured tones that The pedal's based on a design from veteran pedal builder Paul Cochrane
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