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PDF | Fumigation of hospital rooms with high concentrations of toxic chemicals has Disinfection The process of microbial inactivation that eliminates Fumigation is a process of gaseous sterilization used for killing of microorganisms. It is generally used in the pharmaceuticals, operation theatres, Figure 1: The “My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene” Approach (WHO). 26. 0 Figure 2: Procedure for Hand Washing with Soap and Water.To review and update hospital infection control policies and procedures from time are sent from Operation Theatres after fumigation every fortnightly. providers is a highly effective strategy in reducing hospital acquired infections. The infection control policies and procedures, when consistently applied WHO Surgical Care at the District Hospital 2003. ETHICS-PATIENT CONSENT. • Before performing a procedure, it is important to receive. So that we use different types of equipment or instruments for pest control treatment is called Fumigation Machine. People who work in the disaster response, Choice of disinfectants, fumigants or procedures of Disinfectants Used in “Dirty” Conditions in Hospitals by the Modified Kelsey-Sykes Test).
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