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user manual. Phonak ComPilotUser Guide. 2 1. Welcome 5 2. Getting to know your ComPilot 6 2.1 Legend 7. 3 5. Using the ComPilot for phone calls 21 5.1 The Phonak ComPilot connects all Phonak wireless hearing aids wirelessly to Bluetooth®-enabled phones and devices or MP3 players for speech or stereo. View and download the Manual of Phonak ComPilot II Sound (page 14 of 72) (English). Also support or get the manual by email. View and Download Phonak ComPilot user manual online. Streamer and remote control. ComPilot hearing aid pdf manual download. User Manual part 1 · 1. Place the FM transmitter near the sound source and turn it ON. · 2. Turn the FM receiver ON if required. · 3. ComPilot must be switched ON Phonak ComPilot and ComPilot II Support Overview: Downloadable User Guides, Other Guides and Guide: ComPilot Sennheiser BTD500 Instruction Manual. Look for this information in your phone's user guide or via the compatibility guide at: 52 Bluetooth device compatibility IfAfter successful pairing, the indicator light will stop rapidly blinking blue. For more information about Bluetooth pairing instructions specific to some of the Phonak Com Pilot. User Guide. PHONAK. COCOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOO 3.4 Com Pilot Bluetooth pairing introduction Using the ComPilot as an audio streamer. Refer to the TVLink II user guide for pairing instructions. 6. Using ComPilot II as a remote control. Before this functionality can be used, your hearing.
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