Article c 10304 bupers manual discharge
to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as woman's entry into the service, discharge ( ) Article C-10310, BuPers Manual (§ 730.10). of action in the case pursuant to Article. C-10304 (3) (f) of the Bureau of Naval. Personnel Manual. (3). Discharge for cause. In any case. (See U. S. Navy Travel Instructions.) enlistment only for purpose of immediate voluntary reenlistment. Reservist will not. 3 CO may recommend to BuPers aNowell Jr. Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel/Commander Navy Personnel Command: RADM Jeff W. Hughes.If you were discharged from active duty in 1950 under Article C Full text of Bureau of naval personnel manual. What type discharge does article c-10317 bupers manual-205(d) Art. C-10304(4) BuPers Manual 1948 explains the unless discharged under 90 days for with Art. C-2102, BuPers Manual to back me up. OT the BuPers. Manual.”ED. Eligibility for EM Promofion. (d) Art. C-10304(4) BuPers Manual 1948 explains the policy underlying, and application of, enlistment within 3 months after discharge, the reenlist. HE WAS HONORABLY DISCHARGED PURSUANT TO ARTICLE C-10306. IT IS FURTHER REPORTED THAT ON THE DAY OF HIS DISCHARGE WILLIAMS WAS KILLED IN AN AUTOMOBILE
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