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Four hits on the snare drum on counts “1 e and a” · Four hits on the high tom on counts “2 e and a” · Four hits on the middle tom on counts “3 e You can get access to the Worlds largest library of drum scores for Pipe Band Grade 4 Marches that can be played by almost any Scottish Snare Drummer whoPipe music and drum scores. Standard settings follow, in the order: pipes; snare drum; bass drum; tenor drum. All are in PDF format. This weeks shared drum score was written for a grade 4 bands medley selection and was meant to fit the level of beginner to experienced side drummers. Pipe band drumming music is almost impossible to read. The drum scores could not be broken down using classical music theory. Ghost notes are often played as light, bouncy notes on a snare drum that can sound like many quick notes played in succession. This technique is often used in
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