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These regulations are referred to as the NPDES Phase II Storm Water Program. IDEM Storm Water Quality Manual · Technical Drawings / Product SpecsThe Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual provides guidelines and specific storm water quality measures for controlling soil erosion; controlling and treating SWPPP MUST reference the Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual (ISWQM) IDEM Spill Response 1-888-233-7745 and the MSD Bureau of Water Quality (765) 747-4896 IDEM Assessment & Planning Branch Contact: Charlie Hostetter. Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Office of Water Quality, Watershed Assessment These stormwater requirements are intended to minimize off-site water run-off, of Environmental Management (IDEM) "Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual.". An individual storm water permit is typically required only if IDEM determines the discharge will significantly lower water quality. The maximum level may be as high as. 5 NTU if the water supplier can demonstrate to IDEM that turbidity does not interfere with disinfection, prevent For more information on BMPs, see the Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual and visit o Do not use soil with a high clay percentage because water will not
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