Optimum traction device instructions
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Unlike other traction devices, only the OTD allows the ability to work in a convenient 9.5” x 3.5” storage pouch with easy-to-follow instructions. Bag- Fold remaining two elastic straps into bottom of bag. Place traction pole in next followed by upper thigh system and ankle hitch. EP-800. Street Orange. EP This is, without a doubt the best traction device on the market. With the OTD, you never need to roll your patient or raise their leg when applying. The Kendrick Traction Device - AKA Optimum Traction Device (OTD) - is compact, lightweight and easy to use. Because the Kendrick Traction Device / OTD may be KENDRICK TRACTION. DEVICE. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS. (A) ANKLE HITCH. (B) UPPER THIGH SYSTEM. (C) TRACTION. POLE. (D) KNEE ELASTIC. STRAP. (E) THIGH ELASTIC.With the OTD, you never need to roll your patient or raise their leg when applying. Unlike other traction devices, only the OTD allows the ability to work
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