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Manuals and Handbooks that provide policy on the use of herbicides on BLM lands. MS 9011 Chemical Pest Control Manual, msword, 41 KB. 9011- CHEMICAL PEST CONTROL .01 Purpose. This Manual Section sets forth the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) policy, responsibilities, and guidance for Natural Resource Manual (USDA, APHIS m! BLM Manuals (Dept. Policy). BLM BLM Weed Act of 1974 9011 - Chemical Pest Control. BLM Manual Section 9011 , Chemical Pest Control , institutes implementation monitoring requirements for pesticide applications as part of an integratedAmendments to the BLM Manual Section 1203 that delegate authorities may often require revisions in the Employee Performance Appraisal. Plan (EPAP) (Form 1400-90)
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