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формат pdf; размер 2.8 МБ; добавлен 16 января 2012 г. Salih N. Neftci Principles of Financial Engineering 2nd edition. Academic Press; 2 edition (December Read Principles of Financial Engineering by Robert Kosowski,Salih N. Neftci with a free trial. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, Principles of Financial Engineering, Third Edition, is a highly acclaimed text on the fast-paced and complex subject of financial engineering. Buy Principles of Financial Engineering (Academic Press Advanced Finance) on ? FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. Principles of Financial Engineering von Salih N. Neftci (ISBN 978-0-08-091997-3) online kaufen | Sofort-Download - Principles of Financial Engineering - 2nd Edition. Print Book & E-Book. DRM-free (EPub, Mobi, PDF). ? DRM-Free Easy - Download and start financial engineering with an emphasis on computation, in principle, multiple cash flows can be reduced to a single cash flow P(1 + y)n at maturity.
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