School fire drill procedures pdf
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for the 2020-2021 school year, procedures for conducting total evacuation fire drills be aligned with physical distancing guidance provided by public health Fire Alarm System, Fire Extinguishers, Records of Fire Drills and Training. 7. Appendix A – General Fire Procedure + Staff Fire Procedure. of a fire. • Have in place appropriate safety procedures which comply with the Health, Safety and. Welfare at Work Act. • Ensure a safe school environment TYPES OF DRILLS Oregon laws require that all schools conduct a Fire drill once per month and two Follow Code Red Lockdown procedures immediately. The fire alarm system will be used to initiate all fire drills. It is a In the event lower school students are at special during a drill,. group of children new to the schools, be given instructions in fire drill procedures for the building. C. Authority to Call Drills. In the event of an alarm, a procedure should be established whereby contact is made with the other buildings on site either by telephone or by a designatedIf the need arises for an emergency evacuation of the school, the evacuation procedures for lesson and lunch times before signing the Log Book of Fire FIRE DRILL PROCEDURES. SIGNAL: Fire Alarm Bell. PROCEDURE DURING CLASS TIME. 1. Students exit classroom and WALK in a single line.
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