Instructions for cbp form 3499
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PORT/PORT CODE AND DATE OF APPLICATION. CBP Form 3499 (12/19). 4. LOCATION OF GOODS. 5. CARRIER OR SHIP (Name). 6. BILL OF LADING OR CBP 7512 NO. 7. IS The port director may approve a blanket application to manipulate on Customs Form 3499, for a period of up to one year, for a continuous or a repetitive CBP Form 3499 (12/16). PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond See back of form for Paper- work Reduction Act Notice. 1. GOODS CONSIGNED TO (Name). 2. GOODS EXPORTED FROM. 3. PORT AND DATE OF APPLICATION. CBP Form 3499Importers may, upon application approved by the port director on Customs Form 3499 examine, sample, and repack 12 or transfer merchandise in bonded A.N. Deringer, Inc. - A customs broker focused on trade compliance services, logistics and freight solutions for all of your import - export needs.
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