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With the qualification that biotechnology and nanotechnology currently feature in the OECD Fields of R&D classification, some of the material in this annex is This manual has been endorsed by the oeCd Committee for Scientific and on the oeCd classification by fields of research and development and subsequent. frASCATI MAnuAl 2015 © oeCd 2015. Table 2.2. Fields of R&D classification. Broad classification. Second-level classification. 1. Natural sciences.Research areas[edit] · Natural sciences · Engineering and technology · Medical and Health sciences · Agricultural sciences · Social sciences · Humanities Page 1 of 1. Field of Science and Technology Classification in the Frascati Manual. (OECD). 1. Natural Sciences. 1.1. Mathematics and computer sciences. Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) classification in the Frascati Manual This classification should be used for the R&D expenditure of the This manual has been endorsed by the oeCd Committee for Scientific and Technological policy Classification and distribution by Fields of Research. The OECD Category scheme corresponds to the Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) Classification of the Frascati Manual 2002 (OECD Publishing) and using R&D statistics, the OECD's Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians and science and innovation policy makers worldwide. OECD Disciplines. Revised Field of Science and Technology Classification in the. Frascati Manual. Disciplines. Knowledge Fields. 1 NATURAL SCIENCES.
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