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AKTA start system and a HiTrap Protein G HP column to reduce the time taken for one-step manual purification methods for purifying MAbs. Too much.through the purification of a Histidine-tagged fusion protein. Requirements. • AKTA start system AKTA start display: Screenshot of the Manual run screen. AKTA™. AKTAdesign Purification. Method handbook. GE Healthcare Planning protein purification. Standard purification protocol for proteins . for protein purification at research laboratory scale. This handbook addresses different aspects of AKTA chromatography systems, such as the effect of Two step purification protocol and a lesson to learn (BPSL 1549 (BLF1)) This system is an AKTA Purifier FPLC (Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography) AKTA start eliminates the hassles of manual protein purification handling, such as loading large sample volumes and continually monitoring UV readings, and can switch from manual to automated protein purification. Fig 1. AKTA start is an easy-to-use preparative chromatography system designed to facilitate the move
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