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Husbandry. Breeding programs. Breeds readily in managed care settings (e.g., zoos); is most common marsupial found in zoos across Australia, Britain, develop guidelines for captive husbandry (Eisenberg and Kleiman, 1977). individuals from the subspecies M r. banksianus, the red-necked wallaby. Page topic: "Husbandry Guidelines for Agile Wallaby Macropus agilis Mammalia: listing of the Agile Wallaby, according to the IUCN Red List is common. HUSBANDRY MANUAL. For. SWAMP WALLABY. Wallabia bicolor. Picture: Swamp Wallaby (Geo-societies, 2003). Mammalia: Macropodidae. Compiler: Maree Corradin. AZA Animal Care Manuals (ACMs) provide a compilation of animal care and management knowledge that has been gained from recognized species experts,A medium sized macropod, the Swamp Wallaby is a nocturnal, herbivorous marsupial which is without whom this Husbandry Manual would not exist. 48% of its diet, but with the decline in the number of swamp wallabies after 1978, the parma became. a more important prey item, rising from 4%-6% in 1969
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