Fibaro rgbw 441 manual
Fibaro RGBW Controller FGRGBWM-441. Hot sale products. Fibaro RGBW Controller may control LED strips, RGB / RGBW LEDs and 12V - 24V powered light sources. In addition the device supports up to four, 0V - 10V analogue sensors, such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, wind sensors FIBARO RGBW kontroler univerzalni je RGB / RGBW kontroler kompatibilan sa Z-Waveom. FIBARO RGBW kontroler koristi izlazni PWM signal koji mu omogucuje upravljanje LED, RGB, RGBW trakama, halogena svjetla i ventilatore. Uredaji kojima se upravlja moze napajati od 12 ili 24 VDC. FIBARO RGBW Dimmer. General Information. Product Identifier: Brand Name: Product Version: Z-Wave Certification #: FGRGBWM-441 FIBARO 2x.2x ZC08-14070003.
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