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INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL BEFDRE USING YOUR NEW BOWL. QUALITY SINCE 1878. BROWNING QUALITY SINCE 1878. ARCHERY. COMPOUND BOW. Browning is a leading manufacturer of hunting and outdoor equipment, including compound bows. The different models of bows produced by Browning are designed CAREFULLY READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL Page 2Compound Bow USER'S GUIDE WELCOME TO THE BROWNING ARCHERY FAMILY Thank you from the entire Browning Your Browning Archery bow will give you many years of service if maintained and cared for properly. •. Keep synthetic cables and string waxed. Apply bow string In this episode we add a new weapon to are list with a compound bow, by browning. We take our first shots CAREFULLY READ ALL. INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL BEFORE USING YOUR NEW BOW. Page 2. SER. BOW. YOU. ADD. CITY. COU. Your new Browning bow comes from the factory with the draw weight and draw length pre-set. Setting the bow at your optimum draw length and weight will
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