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Warning: The 'All units' link will generate a list of about 3000 units. Search by unit code or unit name · Listing by school/sub-section · Broadening units Broadening. A broadening unit is a unit outside of your degree-specific major. For example maths, finance or music basically anything outside of engineeringBroadening units - UWA Staff - The University of Western Australia – Must include a degree-specific major (either a single major or a double major). – must BROADENING UNITS-- The University has approved some important changes to more info: handbooks.uwa.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/about/broadening. Engineering at UWA - Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Broadening Unit A or B Mathmatical Methods 2 Elective/Second Major Unit. Depending on your course, units may fill the requirements for broadening units a unit could fit into your course requirements, visit the UWA Handbook or Complete at least four broadening units: ?handbooks.uwa.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/broadeningunits?. 0 Complete at least one Category A broadening unit:.
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