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Manuals · Non-Contact Thermometer · Pulse Oximeter · Keep Safe · Dual Thermometer · Angel Heart Fetal Doppler · Wrist BPM · Arm BPM. TempIR™ Pulse Oximeter monitoring. Receipt Tube 13 SPO2 measurements may be adversely affected in the 7 Before use, carefully read the manual. As explained in the Oximeter manual it is important to position your finger fully into the device to get an accurate reading. I find it best to use the same 2015-05-04 · tempir.com/product/finger-pulse-oximeter/goo.gl/Gp8Qp1The TempIR finger Pulse Oximeter is used to measure blood oxygen The TempIR Fingertip Pulse Oximeter allows you to see your SpO2 Blood Oxygen Levels and Pulse Rate easily, accurately and quickly. Once you place your fingertip Before use, carefully read the manual. The pulse oximeter has no SPO2 alarms; it is not for continuous monitoring. Prolonged use or the user's condition may 2 rear panel fig. 1 contraindications. com/ product/ finger- pulse- oximeter/ gl/ gp8qp1 the tempir finger pulse oximeter is used to measure blood oxygen levels
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