Pocket guide on first aid project for class 9
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prepare a pocket guide on first aid for your school/home.
project on first aid for class 9
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ppt on pocket guide on first aid
First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. Health and Physical Education — Class IX. 12.3 Why FIrst aId?iThe First Aid pocket guide should contain aid that needs to be given for fractures, poisoning, cuts and burns, heat and cold wave and other threats that are pocket guide on first aid project for class 9, Water Crisis - Lesson Plans and Teachers Guide for High.first aid pocket guide eBay class 10th sa-1. First aid kits must be kept at the school premises at all times. In fact, if the area of the school is large, it is advisable to place the first aid kits in The First Aid pocket guide should contain aid that needs to be given for fractures, poisoning, cuts and burns, heat and cold wave and other threats that are (Note for the Teachers: The project can be carried out by a group of students in a class and work can be equally divided amongst the students so that the Given link for project firstaidprojectcbse10throbin.blogspot.com/2013/05/i-hope-it-helps-u.html?m=1. First Aid for Fractures wound with clean, sterile bandage or a clean cloth like a clean handkerchief. splint must be tried to be fitted. be applied.
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