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UP Revenue Court Manual In Diglot Edition. US$ 36. ¦ Add to wishlist. Current Rating. Author(s) : - ISBN: Edition: Year Of Publication: 2021. Add To Cart. Annotated U.P. Revenue court manual: Corr. upto-date with up-to-date case-law and comments [Tewari, O. P] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying Get your 7 days FREE trial now aironline.in/search-case-by-legal-acts-and-sections/R.39 of U.P. Revenue Court Manual. U.P. revenue court manual, corrected up-to-date along with up-to-date case-law & comments by Uttar Pradesh (India), 1966, Central Law Agency edition, Revenue Court Manual. 2. In the Uttar Pradesh Revenue Court Manual, after the part IV the following parts shall be inserted:- . PART-V. CHAPTER XLIII. Revenue Records without complying with the mandatory requirements set out in the U.P. Land Records Manual. He ultimately came they were recorded in Get this from a library! Annotated U.P. revenue court manual : as amended up-to-date : with case-law & comments. [B Singh; Uttar Pradesh (India). If a case is fixed for ,a day on which the court does not sit on account of its being later found or declared to be a holiday, the case will be taken up on theThe Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code, 2006 repeals 32 Acts: The UPZA & LR Act,. 1950, UP Land Revenue Act, 1901 and 30 other Acts relating to the lands and land-
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