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UJT Relaxation Oscillator. 13. Bootstrap sweep circuit. Page 3. PDC LAB. Dept of ECE Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,SVCET. PDC lab manual. 1. Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor. EC & PC Lab Manual. 1. Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology(MRCET ) Department of ECE. EXPERIMENT NO: 1. COMMON EMITTER AMPLIFIER.PDC Lab Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Pdc lab manual, ECE ,JNTU-H, II B.TechII sem ,Pulse and digital PDC lab manual ACE engineering college Dept. ECE 2 Experiment: 1a LINEAR WAVE SHAPING Aim:- : Design a RC LPF and HPF at various time constants and verify PULSE & DIGITAL CIRCUITS LAB MANUAL Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering PULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS LAB INDEX S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LABORATORY MANUAL. Prepared By: Approved By: Mrs.P.S.M.Veena. Dr.V.Rajya Lakshmi,. Assistant Professor,. Professor & HOD,. Department of ECE. Department of ECE PULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS LAB MANUAL Prepared By Mr. P.R.RATNA RAJU.K, M.Tech, Asst. Professor Department of ECE 2 | P a g e
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