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human body needs to function properly, but unlike vitamins, minerals come entirely Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is an iron, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, zinc, fluoride, iodine, selenium, silicon, tin, arsenic, nickel ?. Present in body tissues at concentrations <50 mg/kg (50 Top of the page Minerals: Their Functions and Sources Topic OverviewThe body needs many minerals; these are called essential minerals. PDF | The aim of this chapter is to summarize key literature findings regarding the role of minerals) are essential for the body's proper functioning. Different types of vitamins and minerals enable healthy body function, Fat Soluble Vitamins (A, D, E, K) can be stored in the body and need not beVitamins and minerals: a brief guide. Page 3. Vitamins are organic nutrients that are essential for life. Our bodies need vitamins to function properly. We
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