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VIDEOs - PROPER LOCK-UP - U-LOCK & Chain: Check out our videos on how to properly lock up your bike with either a U-Lock or a chain. ABUS covers the whole range of bike security devices with high-quality U-shackle locks, chain locks, Steel-o-Flex, cable, and frame locks.If you are commuting to work or cycling to school, college or university every day, why not leave you bike lock locked up at your destination? Close up of a U lock connecting a bike to a cable fence. designed chain link that resists hacksaws or chisels and makes the chain tough to leverage. Because thinking about how you'll secure your bike can help you choose the Attach a u-lock or chain around the rear wheel, the frame and the bike rack The good news is that Lakeside Bicycles is there to help! Still, you may wish to use a cable or chain lock along with a U-lock so that you can leave the
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