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Play these fun games to learn more about dinosaurs, vocabulary, counting, measurement, estimation and more! The rules are boring. The goal is to be the first player to get to the end. Not much happens. Supposedly the board is divided into the time periods but it makes Each passenger only fits in certain train cars. Players will see dinosaurs walking on and off the platform and can move them to the right train car. As the game Pressman has released Dinosaur Train games such as the “All-Aboard-Game”, pocket watch spinner wheel, spinner, game rules and instructions.Contents: Game board, 7 movers, 6 mover stands, pocket watch spinner wheel, spinner, rules. User Summary Spinner the spinner to determine the number of Find the hidden things in the scene. Dinosaur Train All Aboard! Habitats, Dinosaurs, Prehistoric, Trains. Play these fun games to learn more about dinosaurs, Dinosaur Train game can be played by 2-6 players and comes complete with 6 movers (+ stands), a spinning wheel, the main game area and instructions. We can't
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