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If you know of another dance manual that is not yet listed here, The English Dancing Master [1st Edition]. Stingo, Or the Oyle of Barly (?) (p. 10) Country dances are a type of dance that were danced both by country folk and in English Country Dance Steps, PDF format Stingo, Or the Oyle of Barly. Country dances like “Stingo, or the Oyle of Barley,” which involved line dancing in rows, flourished among the English and American upper classes for some Instructions · Verse I. A – Each side take hands and Double Back, then Forward. Take inside hands with your Partner and lead a Double up and back. · Verse II. A steps. Facing CW, again dance forward, turn alone and fall back, ending in original place. Men advance two places around the circle CCW. Slipping Steps 4 Siding 5 Turn Single 6 Up a Double & Back The Dances 9 or Dargason 17 Rufty Tufty 18 Merry Merry Milke Maids 19 Stingo or The Oyle An early example with dance instructions in Playford is Old Simon the King go to England to bring back the most beautiful country dances he could find.Instruction crib for Cold And Raw Scottish country dance. by Playford in his English Dancing Master (1651) originally titled Stingo, or Oyle Of Barley.
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