Bus duct calculation pdf
3. Calculation Matrix. 4. Basic Requirements for Electrical Calculations. Available fault current at each bus to determine equipment short circuit/interrupting ratings To determine fixtures needed given desired light level; also energy calculations (where req'd) To size conductors per NEC. Calculations for Selection of Protective Relaying and Devices 21. Economic Comparisons. During the formulation of design, some sketching and calculations are required to arrive at optimum designs. While these are not a part of the formal plans, they are nevertheless useful in planning and are often If the duct consists of the electric motor, which drives the fan, then the efficiency of the fan motor also must be taken into account while calculating the cooling load. Most of the times, the power input to the fan is not known a priori as the amount of supply air required is not known at this stage. Foundation loads for GIS bus duct supports (Vertical, shear and moment) shall be provided with detailed calculation. (r) All civil works including foundations associated with erection of SF6 gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear along with its SF6 ducts inside the building. CALCULATIONS S.No A Description Weight of the cylindrical portions Refer to Figure-1 in Sheet-1 1 2 3 4 Diameter of the duct (Inner) Plate thickness CALCULATIONS Breadth B10 Thickness T10 Qty 11 Duct side welded plate Length L11 Breadth B12 Thickness T12 Qty 12 Duct bottom welded plate • Calculating Mechanical Power Requirements • Torque - Speed Curves • Numerical Calculation • Sample Calculation • Thermal Calculations. Calculating Mechanical Power Requirements. Physically, power is defined as the rate of doing work. For linear motion, power is the product of force Bus duct is used for the effective and efficient supply of electricity in mostly industrial locations. Segregated phase bus is a duct where phase conductors are in a common metal enclosure but are segregated by ground metal barriers between each phase conductor. Duct sizing, duct calculation, duct design, energy efficient ductwork design. Guide for how to design a ductwork system. Full worked example included with CFD simulations to optimise your design to ensure the highest energy efficiency. Duct Calculation (Original) Xls Sheet PDF Duct (Flow . View Duct Weight Calculator.xls from IE MISC at Mansoura University. Project No. DESIGN CALCULATION SHEET Shair and Partners 50581 BUS STATION 1st F.A. Galvanised Steel Computed by of Bus bar Installation Media= Non-ventilated ducting. Bus bar Artificial Ventilation Scheme= without artificial ventilation. Actual Mechanical Strength is less than Permissible Strength. Mechanical strength of Bus bar is in within Limit. (5) Temperature Rise Calculation. Bus Duct design. This shall consist of selection of suitable busbars for continuous current and short circuit current . Design shall confirm to IS 13235. Calculation for checking comfort conditions such as humidity, temperature, air changes per hour etc. and heat load calculation to verify adequacy of Bus Duct design. This shall consist of selection of suitable busbars for continuous current and short circuit current . Design shall confirm to IS 13235. Calculation for checking comfort conditions such as humidity, temperature, air changes per hour etc. and heat load calculation to verify adequacy of Cfm duct calculation PDF results. Pdh course m199 hvac calculations and duct sizing gary d. beckfeld, m.s.e., p.e. 2007 pdh pdh course m199 duct testing calculator (new construction) air leakage testing calculator (blower door test) cfm 50: cubic feet per minute of air leakage at 50 Cooling Load Calculations and Principles. Course No: M06-004 Credit: 6 PDH. A. Bhatia. Continuing Education and Development, Inc. 22 Stonewall Court Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 P: (877) 322-5800 info@cedengineering.com. HVAC Cooling load calculations and principles.
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