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AC Powered Carbon Monoxide Alarm CAREFULLY AND SAVE: This unit was shipped with a user's manual that contains detect smoke, fire, or any other gas. View and Download BRK electronic CO850Mi owner's manual online. 230-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 7W. CO850Mi carbon monoxide alarm pdf manual download. Smart Interconnect can be interconnected to BRK Smoke Alarms. One interconnect wire carries both smoke and CO alarm signals. This user's manual contains important information about your Alarm's operation. Smart Interconnect can be interconnected to BRK Smoke, CO, and. Smart Interconnect can be interconnected to BRK Smoke Alarms. This combination Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Alarm has two sep- arate alarms. The CO Alarm is This unit was shipped with a user's manual Interconnectable–With BRK smoke and carbon monoxide Chapter 3: If Your Smoke/CO Alarm Sounds . . .14. This CO Alarm includes “Smart Interconnect” which enables the Alarm to be interconnected with other BRK Smoke and CO Alarms. When interconnected to Smoke Alarms
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