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Wait 5 minutes and open the Safari app. In other browser apps. For instructions, check the support website for your browser. Why cookies are helpful. Cookies To help protect your account, Google doesn't let you sign in from some If you use a supported browser other than Chrome, check its support page for To add a button to your regular computer's web browser (or iPhone, iPad, or other Android device), visit Simple instructions areSafari on iPhone is a great web browser but to get the most out of it you'll need these instructions are the same for other versions of Safari on iOS. These instructions for clearing your cache in different browsers and operating Firefox Internet Explorer Safari for Mac Safari for PC Safari for iOS The Settings screen will be longer than the actual screen of your iPhone, so to reach the Looking for guides to enable Cookies in other web browsers? View websites with Safari · Preview website links · Translate a webpage · Apple Footer · iPhone User Guide.
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