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LATERAL TRUNK FLEXION: see Kendall page 144 & 176. NOTE: anterior trunk flexors: lower abdominal muscle test is on the next page. MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING: KEY MMT Manual muscle test rectus abdominal trunk flexion upper abs Dr. Bryan - Physical Therapist. Elizabeth The most commonly accepted method of evaluating muscle strength is the Oxford Scale (AKA Medical Research Council Manual Muscle Testing scale). resistance for grades above 3 or to alternate gravity minimized tests for grades below 3. Muscle Group. Abbreviation. Shoulder abductors. SA. Elbow flexors. IMACS FORM 04: MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING PROCEDURES position, per the table below (Testing Positions); the re-test for a weaker patient is indicated in. Back Extensors Testing And Grading - Muscles. Manual Muscle Testing: Plantarflexion - Physiopedia. Muscle Strength Testing - Physiopedia. Grading Scale Range: 0
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