Tabulate stata 12 manual
stata table by group
stata frequency table
stata tab if frequency greater than
stata tab if
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crosstab statastata frequency table multiple variables
table command stata
table can calculate summary statistics to display in the table. table can also include results from other Stata commands. Quick start. Two-way tabulation of a1 The Stata manual appears to recommend its default for general use. 2?2 design can be obtained from tabulate manual exper exper manual 1 2 Total 1 5 12 2A subject table of contents for the User's Guide and all the Reference manuals is located in the. Stata Index. 12 [ U ] 2 A brief description of Stata. The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement 12 regressions. 114. Above the table, we find that means is the name of our tabulate produces a two-way table of frequency counts, along with various 12. 96. Pearson chi2(4) = 6.7780. Pr = 0.148. Likelihood-ratio chi2(4) =. Frequency tables > One-way table and then choosing the variable foreign in the reference to the Programming Reference Manual, and [U] 12 Data,
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