Manual fret slotting system
StewMac Fret Slotting Miter Box. Purchasing this item will earn you 203 Seeds. Applies only to registered customers, may vary when logged in. The Fret Slotting Miter Box accommodates fingerboards up to 1/2" (12.70mm) thick and 2-7/8" (73mm) wide. The box is rugged aluminum, 12" This fret slotting system has been in continuous operation for 40 years. Our slotting service provides the most accurate and efficient fret slotting in the industry. We slot every thing from mandolin scales to bass scales and every thing in between. The LMI Manual Slotting System is designed around our large selection of precisely machined polycarbonate slotting templates, so this tool will enable you to cut accurate fret slots for many scale lengths. The miter box is assembled from HDPE (high-density polyethylene). Fret Slotting Jig - Includes Fret Spacing Templates & 0.023" Kerf Fretsaw - Simple to use Precision Luthier Tool - Sturdy without compromise!. Fretboard slotting jig. Luthiers Fretsaw & Fret Scale Templates Included. Many scale sizes available. Lesson 36: LMI Manual Fret Slotting System 8:02. Lesson 37: Making Forms 9:15. Lesson 38: Heel and end Blocks 8:15. StewMac Fret Slotting Miter Box with Fret Saw. One of the original precision hand sharpening systems, this is still one of the best—an easy-to-use means to get your chisel and plane blades razor-sharp. Manual Slotting System, complete w/ template & SWB saw; $179.95 @ Luthiers Merchantile International's Manual Slotting System. Fret Template Kit: Precision custom-cut 1/8"x24" T6 structural aluminum bar slotted on one or both edges, with scale lengths of your choice. Our Fret Slotting Saw has a rigid brass spine, and a comfortable traditionally-turned hardwood handle with ferrule. It looks right at home on a luthier's "You won't believe how smoothly our improved fret slotting system works!" —Don MacRostie, StewMac R&D. The Fret Slotting Miter Box Fret Slotting Miter Box Fret slotting miter box. A recent addition to the workshop was a new mitre slotting box from Guitars and This saw is also included with our Manual Slotting System. Mini Table Saw Conversion for CBG Fret Slotting or Crafts: For my pursuit of making things The LMI Manual Fret Slotting System makes it easy to precisely slot any fretboard to the exact specs you need. The most difficult part is setting up the jig when you receive it from LMI. That is why I have asked my 3 year old shop assistant to read the instructions and help me put the jig together. Manual fret slotting system. The LMI Manual Slotting System is designed around our large selection of precisely machined polycarbonate slotting templates, so this tool will enable you to cut accurate fret slots for many scale lengths. The reason that all these seemingly disparate systems can be used to good effect is that even the mathematically accurate equal temperament Most folks that build instruments will never need to use this info, as the lutherie suppliers all provide fret slotting templates as well as slotted fret boards for The reason that all these seemingly disparate systems can be used to good effect is that even the mathematically accurate equal temperament Most folks that build instruments will never need to use this info, as the lutherie suppliers all provide fret slotting templates as well as slotted fret boards for
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