Coemar parlite led rgb manual
Coemar is introducing a new product range utilizing its LED technology. The flexible ParLite LED improves color changing abilities: colors are generated by a convergent RGB color system It features 36 LED luxeon, 1W each; full range dimming; 10° to 110° zoom with manual adjustment of the beam Can someone create a fixture for the Coemar ParLite Led RGB, please? Review Professional Stage Lighting PARLITE Led COEMAR Rgb Dmx Lot 7. Professional stage lighting PARLITE led. COEMAR PARLITE rgb led ip20 dmx control. For all 7 lights. Description from manufacture. Selling ParLite Led RGB (Coemar) in good condition; used in tv show. Sold in flycase (in every one there are 8 pieces). KEY FEATURES: • Ideal digital substitute of the analog par can • World's #1 truss toner • 75% to 82% energy saving compared to traditional technology at the same brightness Coemar PARLITE LED 36W Component Description light source 36 led luxeon, 1W declared lamp life 100.000 hours dimmer full range dimming colours infinite colours generate by convergentRGB colour system strobe electronic strobe, synchronised or random effect zoom from 12?° to 110?°, manual
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