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Immune system pdf

2021.10.18 22:53














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ORIGIN OF CELLS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. • Derived from common progenitor cell in bone marrow. – Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell. • Progenitor Stem Cells. Synopsis: In this lecture we will review basic concepts in immunology, including the cells of the immune system, the innate and adaptive immune responses,. PRRs are widely expressed throughout the innate immune system. Adaptive immunity. The two main types of lymphocytes, B cells and T cells, have highly Overview of the Immune System. Immune System Innate immunity refers to an immediate or early (Adaptive immunity is found exclusively in vertebrates).Immune system (IS) a complex network of specialized cells, cell products, tissues and molecules and their interactions incurred. It has been compiled by the Japanese Society for Immunology, a group that researches immunity. The immune system, or the way the body protects itself from germs science of immunity such as; system, immune, immunity, immunology, “intra” and “extra” cellular pathogens, antigen, epitope, immune response, and the term

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