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Final clauses of multilateral treaties - Handbook. Corporate author: UN Treaty Section Office of Legal Affairs; Date: 2003; Source: IUCN (ID: MON-073798). Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties Handbook [United Nations, Nations, United] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Final clauses of multilateral treaties : handbook / prepared by the Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs. United Nations. Treaty Section. Final clauses of multilateral treaties : handbook / prepared by the Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs. UN. Office of Legal Affairs.Final Clauses Handbook This edition of the Handbook has been prepared by the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, which discharges Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties. Handbook. UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION. Sales No. E.04.V.3. ISBN 92-1-133572-8. Disclaimer. This Handbook is provided Final clauses of multilateral treaties - Handbook. This content is exclusively provided ECOLEX. Title. Final clauses of multilateral treaties - Handbook. Handbook of final clauses. ; United Nations. Secretariat. ;. New York? : United Nations Legal Department 1951. Available at LSE Library Store IGO reports UN
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