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movie4k Watch Thor: Ragnarok 2017 Full Movie Online Free HD At Home

2021.10.19 01:22


directors=Taika Waititi

release Date=2017

average Ratings=8 of 10 star

stars=Chris Hemsworth







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Watch thor: ragnarok 2017 full movie online free hd at home gym. Watch thor: ragnarok 2017 full movie online free hd at home music. Watch thor: ragnarok 2017 full movie online free hd at home movies. Likes : I'm sorry if you're looking for the bandwagon ten star review here you're better off look at a marvel fanboy review, because here you're getting an honest and straight to the point review on this film.
Now i'm not gonna complete trash this film as there we're moment in this film that we're funny but sadly not many moment, the action scene including the the fight between "Thor" and the "Hulk" we're good in areas but had one major flaw with this scene which i will explain in dislikes.
The main character that stood out more was Cate Blanchett playing Hela (the goddess of death) my god did she play this with perfection as she carves her way through Asgard solider with easy she is a force to be reckon with. Cate clearly was perfect casting for this role with a very sexy look in a dark way and very charismatic villain in having one purpose to destroy and control.
Tessa Thompson didn't do a bad job with her role as a "Valkyrie" which we go a slight back story of why she no longer with Asgard, she does add a little bit humor to the film, with Karl Urban character not sure where the writer of this film were going with this character but seem a bit of a waste as he wasn't really doing much though the film.
Benedict Cumberbatch playing Dr strange in the film as a cameo like iron man but shorter scene was a little funny in places but a little over the top, Jeff Goldblum playing the grand master one of the ageless Elders of the Universe and has mastered most civilizations' games of skill and chance, did OK with this role you could see he had fun with this role.
Mark Ruffalo Hulk is a little different in this film as the look and manor of the character has changes but still the same hulk, there a few jokes though around about the other avengers, Chris Hemsworth put in a OK performance and did offer some funny moments though the film as well as the bad ass look with the lighting around him which gave the character a better flare.
Although this film is entertaining in areas and some of the visual effect we're good, sadly this film was full of flaws that makes it a mess.
Dislikes : The visual effect in this film throughout most scene felt like an amateur had done it on a cheap PC, even from the scene which is in the trailer when Hela smashed the hammer was bad. This scene of where they are before this event happens look seriously bad, specially when they are looking out at the sea you could see that this scene is in front of them is a Green screen.
This just made the scene so fake it almost take's you out of the moment they are trying to portray and clearly from the trailer the alleyway scene was so much better, it's looked like they swap the ally-way scene for a cheap look visual effect cliff-side which they should of kept with the ally-way it would have looked better.
The concept alone was a complete mess even for a marvel film, i know a lot of fans will say he just a Dc fanboy marvel hater but i'm not saying this for the sake of trashing this film it really is that bad from a critic stand point.
The film doesn't know what it trying to be iver a comedy or serious it just come off so bad it pull the film even some of the joke and humor fall flat which is bad for comedy, some of them feel completely forced at time to make it funny. Sadly the only funny part in the whole film was Thor with a bowling ball, that one scene was the only time i hear the audience laugh because that was funny.
It like the Director or writers have forgotten what Ragnarok actually mean's and they've try to make a comedic film with a serious tone (sorry but this just doesn't work in a film) specially a film with Cate Blanchett character who's very tone is very dark, this should've been a lot more serious, darker and the humor less maybe this would've work for the story alone.
Instead we get this incoherent mess with music that doesn't even fit the film what so ever with bad jokes and over use of the word like a child would do using the word Ass several times, sorry but Thor 3 Ragnarok is by far the 2nd worst movie marvel has done even though it was entertaining.
P.S There two end credit scenes but the very end credit scene wasn't even worth staying behind to see after the credit rolled, it was a waste of time even adding it as it was nothing to do with Infinity war.

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