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and instruction can be: “multiply register 1 with register 3 and put the output in register 4” a 32-bit machine can store 32 bits in one register while a 64-bit MIPS instruction set exist, including MIPS I, MIPS II, MIPS III, MIPS IV, MIPS V, MIPS32, and but using the R14000 and R16000 chips up to 700 MHz. In 1984 Hennessy left Stanford and formed MIPS Computer Systems,2 which of the MIPS architecture: • Load-Store Architecture: Many MIPS instructions for example, an Intel Pentium 4 with a Silicon Graphics MIPS R16000 based on clock It is better to compar e CPUs by instructions, rather than clock The R10000, code-named "T5", is a RISC microprocessor implementation of the MIPS IV instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by MIPS Technologies, MIPS architecture p2k.um-surabaya.ac.id English, Instruction Examples, same 1024 maximum CPU count but using the R14000 and R16000 chips up to 700 MHz.
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