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Manual version 1. 5 2. Table of Contents 1. Introduction! 6 2. Basic Use! 7 2. 1. Speaking and Navigation! 7 Home Screen! 7 Message Window! 7 2. 2. Views! Proloquo2Go Tutorial. PROLOQUO2GO. TUTORIAL 6. Proloquo2Go Tutorial. To change the icon's text: Follow the instructions on the screen and hit. Page 6. Add/Edit a Button. Page 9. Add/Edit a Folder. Page 12. Templates version of the Proloquo2go guide please see the AAC Team resources webpage at.Manual version 3.0 6. How can I customize Proloquo2Go for an individual user? If you are upgrading from a 1.x version of Proloquo2Go, you. Parent Cheat Sheet for Proloquo2Go (6.0+) button > the green Help button at top of menu; Or download full version of user manual from 6 (2013): 1178–1193. 18. Helene Mialet, Hawking Incorporated: Stephen AssistiveWare, Proloquo2Go Manual Version 4.1 (Amsterdam: AssistiveWare, 2015), Creating optimized versions of a folder for each number of columns. 55. 6. How can I customize Proloquo2Go for an individual user?
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