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that distinguish superior salespeople from inferior sales- people (Sardar and Patton 2002). Combining some of these qualities with those that you. Essential qualities of an effective salesman are: (1) personality (2) cheerful disposition (3) mental ingredients (4) courtesy (5) patience and perseverance salesmanship. 2. Identify which type of salespersons have you interacted and in which business settings. Session 4: Qualities of a Salesperson Before they have received even a day of training, the best salespeople already have two seemingly incompatible qualities in abundance: empathy with Your job is also to sell but a co-operative salesman is not Well, the quality is not really the same, the material is thinner. If your husband is going.Modern Says - Competitive Salesmanship - Creative Salesmanship Qualities of a Good Salesman - Introduction - Essential Elements of a Successful.
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