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Guitar Amp & FX modeling plug-in User Manual 4 P LE A S E N OT E : AMPLITUBE™ IS A TRADEMARK OF IK MULTIMEDIA. ALL OTHER PRODUCT NAMES AND TRADEMARKS ARE AmpliTube 4 USER MANUAL AmpliTube 4AmpliTube 4 is available in different versions. The difference between the differ Ik multimedia AmpliTube Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Ik multimedia AmpliTube User Manual. Read the instructions below carefully to correctly set up and operate AmpliTube iRig. Quick Start. 1. Download the AmpliTube Free, LE or full app from the User manual IK Multimedia AmpliTube 3 Guitar and Bass Amp AT-300-HCD-IN. Operating instructions and pdf manual for use - IK Multimedia AmpliTube 3 Guitar and AmpliTube 5 User Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.User manual, IK Multimedia AmpliTube MAX - Total, IK, Multimedia, AmpliTube, MAX, Total, Bundle, of, Guitar, Amplifier, Cabinet, Emulation, Software.
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