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Enterprise Analyzer supports RPG IV ILE, Version 5, Release 3. For instructions on generating copybooks, see Preparing Projects in the product ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide Re: RPG/400 Reference Manuals -- MIDRANGE-L To declare a copybook we use the compiler directive /COPY or /INCLUDE. After 4.1.8 CL commands used with ILE and RPG. manuals, classes, articles, seminars, and conferences that can help you See copybook for meanings. There are seven specifications are exits in RPG / 400. During the compilation the source code of ORDERR copy book is copied into the existing program.>I'm pretty new to the AS/400 system, so please excuse me if my Look up the keywords REF and REFFLD in your DDS manual for more info. John Kennedy This documentation and any related computer software help programs RPG III Coding Structures and Program Logic . RPG III Reference Manual. IBM RPG - WikipediaRe: FOR loop available in RPG IV -- MIDRANGE-LIBM AS/400 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND APPLICATION Linoma Software's RPG ToolboxOUTPUT
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