Matek f411 wing manual
Matek F4 Flight controller designed specifically for fixed wing pilots. The INAV capable Matek F411-Wing is a smaller version of the Matek F405-Wing Flight Controller. Despite the smaller footprint, this flight controller still comes with essential features found on the full-size version such as multiple The Matek F411-Wing Flight Controller is designed to provide stable flight on RC aircraft that have up to two motors. There are quite a number of configurations that can be used. These could be a standard airplane with ailerons, elevator and rudder or a flying wing or an aircraft with a "V" tail. Matek F411-WING (New) STM32F411 Flight Controller Built-in OSD for RC Airplane Fixed Wing. Полетный контроллер Matek Systems F411-WING STM32F411, MPU6000, OSD, BMP280, 2x UARTs, 1x Softserial, в наличии
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